Three Tips to Save Money This Holiday Season

Get through the holiday season without blowing your budget.

During this season, it’s easy to get caught up in giving the perfect gifts or planning the perfect gathering, both of which can get expensive. Overspending has become a tradition for many, but you can decide now to spend wisely and avoid holiday debt.

Here are 3 simple tips to help you prepare for a cheerful and debt-free season ahead:

1) Set a budget and stick to it. This may seem obvious, but it is all too often excluded from holiday planning. Make a list of anticipated expenses (leave some room for error in your budget) and set an appropriate spending limit for each. At the end of the year, there should be no surprises as you review your bank statements.

Most people just budget on how much they want to spend on gifts. However, holiday expenses go beyond that. Other holiday line items include groceries, party supplies and decorations, event tickets, and additional charitable donations.

2) Shop online for holiday gifts. Online shopping is a convenient alternative if you plan to avoid the holiday shopping crowds. And this year especially, we encourage you to avoid any large gathering! Many retailers offer exclusive online deals and you can easily compare prices online to find the best deals.

Most online stores will offer a 10% to 30% discount if you sign up for their email list. Subscribe, get your discount, then unsubscribe immediately after you make your purchase.

3) Write down who you will buy gifts for and exactly how much you will spend on each person. This is another way to budget and may help reduce overspending because you know exactly how much you’re willing to spend on each person. Plus, when you shop online, this will help you filter the price range and narrow down your gift buying options.


The holiday season has become a prime time for overspending, but you don’t have to start 2021 with the post-holiday financial blues. Instead, plan ahead and stick to the holiday spending plan you outline!

We wish you a happy (and budget-friendly) holiday shopping season!

I'm Helen

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